After all these months of online work, 8 months in total, the #Ucome partners have finally come together in Nicosia (Cyprus) where Citizen in Power has hosted them to talk about the project and youth participation in Europe.
The meeting was very fruitful as partners discussed the next steps of the project as well as about the political and social involvement of youth in each partner’s countries (Greece, Belgium, The Netherlands and Cyprus). Despite the discouraging situation that was triggered due to Covid 19, partners are optimistic and do not stop planning their future ideas. The partnership also believes that all the materials, methodologies and tools that are being developed in this project will have a real impact on youth participation and youth well-being.
The outcomes that will be delivered during the next months will be a toolkit in community engagement for youth organisations composed of workshops, digital tools and an online project management platform. All these tools will assist youth workers and youth organisations on how to create workshops from scratch. The workshops will be related to different forms of community engagement, and there will be a separate section where digital tools will be suggested to be used by youth workers. The last deliverable is the online project management platform whose main goal will be to assist the user, youth organisation or youth workers, to develop and manage their project/initiative.
All the partners are very excited about the next steps that will follow. We will inform you with more details on the next newsletter which will be disseminated at the end of November.